Page 11 - HP3B 002 Alexander the Great
P. 11
had revolted against Macedonia continent that was taken by the
after they had heard the death of Persian empire. Alexander and much
King Phillip II, and Macedonia had of the Greeks had a bad relationship
lost most of its grip on the Greek with the Persian empire, seeing
peninsula and to the North, where that it was the Persian empire that
the Thracian tribes were. Alexander, invaded Greece twice and failed,
although told that diplomacy would although it cost many lives of the
fare better, responded quickly and Greek army. With the Greek city
led a cavalry force of 3000 to regain states firmly under his control,
control over the city states. Using Alexander turned to the Persian
fast mobility and strategy, Alexander empire with an army of 50,000
had no problem in the reclamation infantry, cavalry and naval forces.
of the Greek city states. This was a small force compared
The next stop was the Asian to the Persians. However, due to