Page 15 - HP3B 002 Alexander the Great
P. 15
his identity and destiny until the day in Asia Minor and had retreated. He
he died, and this belief fueled him would do so again and flee to central
with a thirst for conquest, as well Asia, where he would be betrayed by
as extravagant and sometime rash the local ruling elite that was allied
behavior. Egypt was relatively easy to the Persian empire before. This
to conquer, seeing as the country would mark the end of the Persian
really never gave any resistance empire.
after losing several skirmishes at the Alexander's thirst for conquest
border. It was after the conquest of would not stop here, and Alexander
Egypt that Alexander finally decided marched his army into the Indian
to move inland to Mesopotamia, subcontinent. Here, he faced alien
where the heart of the Persian tactics and weapons, which feared
empire lied. The Persian emperor, his army. After a few successes and
Darius I, lost to Alexander in battle conquest of cities, he was finally