Page 13 - HP3A 003 Lief and the troll
P. 13

Leif  went back to the troll house to

            tell the troll he was done with the

            task at hand. The troll did not believe

            him and went to go check out the

            stable himself. The troll examined

            the stable and to his surprise the

            stable was cleaner then he had

            expected it to be. The troll however

            became to suspect something was up,                                                                                          Leif  denied the accusations and told

            he began to accuse Leif  of  talking to                                                                                      the troll he had never heard of  a

            the Master maiden as he would have                                                                                           Master Maiden. The troll however

            never figured out to use the other                                                                                           decided to let this one incident slide.

            side of  the pitchfork. But the clever
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