Page 15 - HP3A 003 Lief and the troll
P. 15

The next morning the troll went                                                                                             happy but nerves to see young Leif

            off  to see his goats. He told Leif  to                                                                                      as the troll told Leif  not to come

            go up the hill and bring down his                                                                                            in the rooms of  the house. Leif

            stallion. Leif  was surprised as the                                                                                         however told the young girl it would

            troll only gave Leif  easy tasks to                                                                                          take more then an angry troll to

            complete. But the troll once again                                                                                           keep him away from her.  So once

            warned Leif  to stay out of  the                                                                                             again they talked and talked and by

            rooms of  the house as it would be                                                                                           the end of  the day the Leif  had his

            the end of  him.                                                                                                             arms around the young Maiden. She

             When the troll left however Leif                                                                                            then became to ask what his task at

            once again went into the house                                                                                               hand was for today.

            straight to the kitchen where the

            young maiden was. The girl was
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