Page 4 - HP3B 011 Nanaboozhoo and his brothe Chipii’aapoos
P. 4

well known for their gigantic stature

 and supreme magical powers among

 the people and the lesser spirits of

 the Great Lakes. In their younger

 days, the two creatures were often

 impulsive and reckless, causing

 havoc and turmoil for the spirits of

 the Earth. The two brother’s powers   the ancient cedars which stood tall

 were far above any of  the other   beside Lake Superior.  They were

 lesser spirits and because of  this,   filled with rage and jealousy and

 some of  them were jealous.   began to grumble among themselves.

         “I am sick and tired of  those two

 One day some of  the lesser spirits   acting so high and mighty up in

 of  the earth met together among   their lodge.  Why do they think they
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