Page 7 - HP3B 011 Nanaboozhoo and his brothe Chipii’aapoos
P. 7
together and formed the greatest Spirits of the land. But today…
alliance of Earth Spirits that was today he was very worried. Finally,
ever made. Even onto this day, he gathered courage unto himself
nothing has been seen like it. They and spoke up, posing a question.
then began the work of plotting “Excuse me dear brothers and sisters.
against Nanaboozhoo and Chipii to I have been sitting back wondering
destroy the both of then, once and and worried. For I am afraid. After
for all! all, what can we do against the great
However, there was one of the lesser Nanaboozhoo, as he is the most
spirits that was sitting in the back, powerful of spirit beings?”
hidden safely behind one of the The crowd grew still and again the
giant white pines. He was sheepish wee spirit spoke.
in personality, and usually went “Brothers listen to my words for
unnoticed among all the other Earth they might hold some wisdom for