Page 12 - HP3A 007 The Mightiest Demigod, Hercules
P. 12
Hercules set off with his nephew
Iolaus, who accompanied him on
many of his adventures. By luring
the creature away from the safety of
its den by shooting flaming arrows
at it, the hydra emerged and chased
Hercules. What Hercules did not
anticipate was that when he smashed
Nemean Lion, Eurystheus sent or cut one head, two more would
Hercules to slay the Lernean Hydra, emerge in its place, thus constantly
that emerged near the murky putting Hercules at a disadvantages
waters of a swamp near Lerna. situation. Thus with the help of
This serpent had nine heads each Iolaus, whenever Hercules cut
possessing deadly venom. This time off one head, Iolaus would hold