Page 15 - HP3A 007 The Mightiest Demigod, Hercules
P. 15
initial ten tasks later became well
known as the “twelve labours of
The third task: The hind of Ceryneia
The third task asked of Hercules
to bring him the Hind of Ceryneia.
Ceryneia is a town in Greece,
again, hearing of Hercules’ success about fifty miles from the palace of
Eurystheus was not impressed. He Eurystheus. And by Hind, we are
made an excuse that because Iolaus talking about a simple female red
helped Hercules accomplish this task deer. So why would Eurystheus
together, it was not to be counted in ask of Hercules to catch a deer?
the ten. This is the reason why the However this deer was special in the