Page 18 - HP3A 007 The Mightiest Demigod, Hercules
P. 18
sense that its horns were golden and
hoofs were bronze. The deer was
also a sacred animal of the goddess
of hunting and the moon, Artemis.
This meant that Hercules could do
nothing to hunt nor harm the deer
in any sense. Since he was already
in trouble with Hera, he did not
want to seek the wrath of another the deer in its legs just as it was
goddess. Hercules however set out about to take a break. On his way
on this adventure in deep thought back however he was greeted by
and decided to wear out the deer Apollo and Artemis. Furious at her
instead. By chasing it for an entire animal being hunted, she was about
year without rest, he eventually shot to punish Hercules. However because