Page 19 - HP3A 007 The Mightiest Demigod, Hercules
P. 19
before, Hercules managed to solve
task after task. By hunting the
mighty Erymanthean Boar, cleaning
the Augean Stables, slaying the
Stymphalian Birds which had beaks
that could pierce any armor, drove
the Cretan bull to Eurystheus,
Hercules told her of his oracle and captured the man-eating horses of
labours Artemis healed the deer and Diomedes, returned with the belt of
allowed Hercules to take it back to Hippolyte the queen of the Amazons,
Eurystheus. and brought back the cattle of
Geryon. Solving deed after deed,
Continued Success Eurystheus was getting on his toes.
Similarly like those mentioned The number of tasks were almost