Page 24 - HP3A 007 The Mightiest Demigod, Hercules
P. 24

hydra and the Augean stables as

 being properly done by Hercules,

 Eurystheus commanded Hercules

 to bring him the golden apples that

 belonged to Zeus. These were the

 same golden apples that Hera gave

 to Zeus as a wedding gift. With

 these apples being kept at a garden   titan who was given the punishment

 at the northern edge of  the world, it   of  having to carry the sky and

 was guarded by not only a hundred-  earth upon his shoulders. The first

 headed dragon called Ladon, but   problem was that Hercules had no

 it was also guarded by Hesperides,   idea how to get to this garden. He

 nymphs who were the daughters   traveled all along the world, but

 of  Atlas. Atlas at this time was the   could not find the garden. Then he
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