Page 27 - HP3A 007 The Mightiest Demigod, Hercules
P. 27

apples. However on his way back,                                                                                             called Cerberus. Eurystheus was

            he was stopped by Athena. As the                                                                                             sure that this time Hercules would

            golden apples were something of                                                                                              fail and not finish his task. Cerberus

            the gods, it could not remain in the                                                                                         was a vicious beast that guarded

            hands of  Eurystheus thus Hercules                                                                                           the entrance to Hades and kept the

            gave up on them and the apples were                                                                                          living from entering the world of

            taken back to the northern gardens                                                                                           the dead, as this was morally wrong

            by Athena.                                                                                                                   and would disrupt the balance of

                                                                                                                                         life and death. Cerberus had three

            The last task: Cerberus                                                                                                      heads of  a wild dog, a serpent for

            Now there was only one task left                                                                                             a tail, and the heads of  snakes all

            for Hercules. For this final task,                                                                                           over his back. Before making his

            Eurystheus sent Hercules to go to                                                                                            trip to the Underworld, Hercules

            the Underworld and kidnap the beast                                                                                          made some precautions. After all, it
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