Page 26 - HP3A 007 The Mightiest Demigod, Hercules
P. 26

Prometheus free and obtained the

         secret to obtaining the apples. He

         would have to send Atlas instead of

         going to the garden himself. When

         Hercules offered that he would

         carry the sky and earth in Atlas’

         place, Atlas agreed. However when

 met Nereus, a sea god, who Hercules   he returned with the apples, Atlas

 managed to beat the information out   demanded that Hercules switch

 of. On his way to his destination he   places with him for eternity. Hercules

 met Prometheus who was chained   slyly agreed, and when he asked

 against the mountain bound for   for Atlas to briefly carry it again so

 eternal pain of  having his guts ripped   that he could massage his shoulders,

 open and eaten by vultures. He set   Hercules ran away with the golden
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