Page 30 - HP3A 007 The Mightiest Demigod, Hercules
P. 30
was a trip to the land of the dead, The two fought and wrestled and
and where no mortal managed to eventually Cerberus submitted to
return alive. Hercules ventured into Hercules and he brought the mighty
the Underworld and eventually beast back to Eurystheus.
came head to head with Hades and
asked the god for Cerberus. Hades The end of Hercules
replied that he could as long as When Hercules finished his final
Hercules managed to overpower task, he returned to his second wife
the beast with nothing more than who presented him with a cloak
his own brute strength. Thus that she had hand woven herself.
Hercules set off to find Cerberus, However when Hercules tried on
and when he approached the gates this cloak it started to burn his flesh
of Acheron, one of the five rivers of alive. The more he tried to pull the
the Underworld, he met Cerberus. cloak off, the stronger the pain would