Page 7 - HP1A 005 Master Man
P. 7
find out who this so called Master
Man was. When he came across the
well her wife told him about, he threw
the water bucket. When he tried to
pull it, he wasn’t able pull it. Just
then, the woman with a baby in her
back came to the well and threw a
Her husband couldn’t believe what bucket inside the well. She untied her
she said because he claimed to be son and like the day before, the baby
the one and only Master Man. “I quickly pulled the water bucket. The
am Master Man! I’ll teach a lesson Man couldn’t believe his eyes and
to the fool who claims himself to tried to pull his bucket but wasn’t
be Master Man!” said Shadusa. The able to. “How is this possible?” asked
next morning, Shadusa set out to Shadusa. “He is the son of Master