Page 14 - Reading Success B7
P. 14

Unit 3


                        Before You Read

                            1. What is the definition of titanic?

                            2. What do you know about the Titanic?


                         Match the words with their definitions.

                             a. passenger               1. structure reduced to a state of ruin

                             b. furnace                 2. relative position or standing

                             c. sink                    3. the highest or culminating point of success,

                                                           power, or fame

                             d. capacity                4. a person who is traveling in an automobile,
                                                           bus, train, or airplane

                             e. rank                    5. a structure in which heat may be generated

                             f. pinnacle                6. the maximum amount or number that can be

                             g. wreck                   7. to fall or drop to a lower level

                                                                                                     unit 3_17
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