Page 16 - Reading Success B7
P. 16
Reading Questions
Choose the best answer.
1. According to the article, how many passengers were on board on the
a. 3,457 b. 3,547
c. 1,490 d. 1,517
2. What information is given first in the article?
a. The Titanic disaster ranks as one of the worst maritime disasters in
b. The Titanic had the capacity to carry a total of 3, 547 passengers and
c. The Titanic was thought to be unsinkable.
d. The Titanic was considered the pinnacle of naval architecture and
technological achievement.
3. Why did so many passengers die?
a. The ship sank too quickly.
b. The passengers were unaware of the crash until the end.
c. There weren’t enough life boats for all the passengers.
d. The passengers refused to get on the lifeboats.
4. How was Titanic different from other ships at the time?
a. Titanic was the largest passenger steamship in the world.
b. Titanic was the only Olympic-class passenger liner.
c. Titanic was able to survive a massive storm.
d. Titanic was the first ship built by the United States Senate.
5. What would have happened if there were more lifeboats available on
the Titanic?
a. More people would be alive to tell how the ship sank.
b. The sinking of the ship wouldn’t have been ranked as one of the worst
maritime disasters in history.
c. Titanic wouldn’t have been infamous as it is today.
d. all of the above
6. Which sentence uses the word figures in the same way it is used in
the article?
a. The circle, square, and polygon are plain figures.
b. Her obese figure was due to her poor diet.
c. The profit figures have been calculated.
d. She was known as a great political figure.
unit 3_19