Page 20 - Reading Success B7
P. 20

Unit 4

                   The Mayan Civilization

                        Before You Read

                            1. What do you know about the Mayan civilization?

                            2. What do you think happened to the Mayan civilization?


                         Match the words with their definitions.

                             a. agriculture             1. the science or occupation concerned with
                                                           cultivating land, raising crops, and feeding,

                                                           breeding, and raising livestock

                             b. intellectual            2. serving to distinguish; characteristic

                             c. predict                 3. in a raw or unprepared state

                             d. accuracy                4. to foretell the future

                             e. crude                   5. the condition or quality of being true or


                             f. unrivaled               6. appealing to or engaging the intellect;

                             g. distinctive             7. having no competitor

                                                                                                     unit 4_23
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