Page 4 - Reading Success B7
P. 4

Reading Questions

                         Choose the best answer.

                           1. What is the name of the huge circle on Jupiter?
                             a. the Big Red
                             b. the Great Red Spot

                             c. the Red Dot
                             d. the Great Red

                           2. What information is given first in the article?
                             a. Compared to the Earth’s revolution around the Sun, Jupiter takes around
                                eleven years to completely orbit the Sun.

                             b. Jupiter can actually be seen from the Earth by the naked eye.
                             c. In the Earth’s night sky, it is the third brightest object next to the Moon and
                             d. Jupiter, just like the Earth, has its own axis.

                           3. What are the rings of Jupiter made up of?

                             a. ice
                             b. dust
                             c. other planets
                             d. none of the above

                           4. How big is the Great Red Spot compared to Earth?

                             a. The Great Red Spot is big enough to have two or three planets the size of
                                Earth inside of it.
                             b. It is significantly smaller than Earth.
                             c. Earth is half the size of the Great Red Spot.
                             d. The Great Red Spot makes the planet grow every year.

                           5. What are the names of the four Galilean moons?

                             a. Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto
                             b. Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, and Venus
                             c. Earth, Io, Europa, and Callisto
                             d. Hydrogen, Helium, Jupiter, and Earth

                           6. Which sentence uses the word  naked        in the same way it is used in the

                             a. The naked fields worried the farmer.
                             b. The naked children were swimming in the lake.
                             c. Even with her naked eyes, she could see the invaders running toward the

                             d. We stood by in the open plain, naked to the invaders.

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