Page 5 - Reading Success B7
P. 5

7. A reader of the article could determine that
               a. Jupiter is one of moons next to Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
               b. Jupiter is one of the largest planets in the Solar System.

               c. Jupiter has many violent storms every day.
               d. There’s a huge possibility that there are life forms living in Jupiter.

             8. Which of these states an opinion?

               a. Jupiter has sixty three named natural satellites orbiting around it.
               b. Jupiter’s surface is composed mostly of hydrogen.
               c. Earth is smaller than Jupiter.
               d. none of the above

             9. The article was created mainly to
               a. inform how Galileo discovered some of the moons of Jupiter
               b. describe some of the intersting characteristics fo the planet Jupiter
               c. explain how the planet Jupiter is similar to the Earth

               d. discuss how Jupiter is one of the Solar System's gas giants

             10. The word  halo    describes
               a. a ring above an angel’s head

               b. the ring that surrounds a planet
               c. a circular cloud of gas and stars in the galaxy
               d. none of the above

           True or False

           Check “T” for true and “F” for false.

              1. The Great Red Spot is smaller than the Earth.                 T                 F
              2. Jupiter is appoximately 778 million kilometers from           T                 F

                the Sun.

              3. Jupiter has the fastest rotation among all the                T                 F


              4. Saturn is the only planet with rings.                         T                 F

              5. Galileo discovered some of Jupiter’s moons.                   T                 F

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