Page 20 - HP2A 007 Adolf Hitler
P. 20

Beginning of  the war

                                                                                                                                         Once Hitler's power was fully

                                                                                                                                         instated he began moving German

                                                                                                                                         forces and using German resources

                                                                                                                                         to conqueror eastern Europe. He

            police system there was no one that                                                                                          helped the German people by giving

            could stop Hitler. His rule was first                                                                                        nearly six million unemployed jobs

            demonstrated in 1934 in Nuremberg,                                                                                           to prepare for the war. His power

            Germany when many of  his Nazi                                                                                               of  propaganda mercilessly attacked

            party  members  took  the  streets                                                                                           the Jewish people, by blaming

            and marched in unison and saluted                                                                                            them for all internal and external

            Hitler.                                                                                                                      problems within Germany. One of
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