Page 19 - HP2A 007 Adolf Hitler
P. 19

military ally Werner von Blomberg

 in the Defense Ministry, he quickly

 rose to power. Hitler quickly got

 rid of  a lot of  his political rivals

 and brought all powers of  the

 government under his control. Then

 with thet death of  the President

 in August 1934 Hitler then rose to

 power with no one in his way. One   of  all armed forces in Germany.

 of  the first things on Hitler did was   Some of  his loyal followers Joseph

 remove the title of  president. With   Goebbels's and Heinrich Himmler's

 this Hitler had offically become the   he was able to take full control of

 Fuhrer of  Germany and therefor   Germany. With Joseph in charge

 head of  state and even had the power   of  propaganda and Heinrich in the
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