Page 9 - HP2A 007 Adolf Hitler
P. 9

Hitler was bravely during the war   and without a purpose and with

 but was never rewarded for his acts   nothing better to do Hitler joined

 and never got a promotion above a   many veterans who continued to

 rank of  a corporal, which is a low-  fight in the streets of  Germany.

 rank in the military. During the war   Later on in the spring of  1919, he

 however Hitler was injured twice   found employment as a political

 and won several awards for serving   officer in the army of  Munich and

 his  country and even  had  been   with the help of  a fellow soldier by

 awarded the highly respected Iron   the name of  Ernst Roehm. Ernst

 Cross First Class.  would later be the head of  the Nazi

         police, the storm troopers. Later

 Early Nazi German  on Hitler attended a meeting called

         the German Workers party, but in

 The end of  the war left Hitler alone   reality it was a nationalist, anti-
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