Page 24 - HP1A 013 Major League Baseball
P. 24

National Football League started                                                                                             the field and for players, the modern

            to become more famous. This                                                                                                  baseball season slowly started to

            economically helped cities because                                                                                           shape. In the current Major League

            they would now be able to build                                                                                              Baseball season, a team plays 162

            stadiums that could be used for other                                                                                        games. It usually begins on the first

            purposes instead of  building it only                                                                                        Sunday in April to the first Sunday

            for baseball games. Fields were made                                                                                         in October. Usually teams are

            by artificial turf, so football and                                                                                          divided in three-game series, so the

            baseball could be played. However,                                                                                           games are balanced, and the winner

            bigger stadiums increased the foul                                                                                           is not decided after one single game.

            area for baseball. Players had to run                                                                                        If  games are postponed, the rule can

            more than they were used to in order                                                                                         change to five-game series. Games

            to catch the balls.                                                                                                          are usually played at night because

            After changes were made both in                                                                                              more spectators come, and players
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