Page 28 - HP1A 013 Major League Baseball
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and FOX. Fox started broadcasting known as the MLB network. They
Major League Baseball games since show news about games and players
2008. They only broadcast the and in the season of 2009, they live
games from May to September. They broadcasted 26 different games.
broadcast the American League Because not all games are aired
during odd-numbered years and the by big media companies, regional
National League in even-numbered networks broadcast some games.
years. The Toronto Blue Jays is the only
Fox does not want to broadcast both Canadian team that exists, so it is
major leagues at once because they broadcasted by sport nets. Not all
want to make it fair and focus in one broadcast companies can film the
specific league per year. games they like. They have to have
In January 2009, the Major League the rights to broadcast a game,
Baseball started their own network, otherwise they will get sued and