Page 7 - HP1B 001 The Wood Cutter
P. 7
outside for his daughter had locked what the problem was.
the door and fell asleep. So again he He looked up to see a dervish in a
had to sleep on the doorstep. long green robe and a tall green cap.
He awoke once more before dawn. “Holy sir, for three days I have gone
He promised himself to cut just out to gather thorn bushes, and for
enough wood so that he can make it three days I have come home too late
back home and they will have cakes to get into my house. And in all that
for sure. time, I’ve had nothing to eat.”
But yet again he took too long, and “What night is this, old man?”
yet again the door was bolted when The woodcutter said, It is the night
he got back. of Friday good sir.
The woodcutter wept in front of his “That’s right. It’s the eve of our holy
door as he did not know what to do. day. And that’s the time of Mushkil
Then he heard a voice asking him Gusha.”