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P. 14

The Home Valuation Process

        Determining the value of your home comes from looking at a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA),
        considering infuencing factors and the relationship of a comprehensive marketing plan with a pricing strategy.

        Comparative Market Analysis                  Influencing Factors              Marketing & Pricing Strategy

        In the CMA process, we will review     A  number  of  factors  infuence     In  addition  to  consideration  of
        related properties recently active     buyer  interest  in  both  their      a  CMA  and  infuencing  factors,
        and sold on the market. Recent         willingness  to  make  a  purchase    it  is  important  to  consider  the
        sales    are     the    strongest      and the price they are willing to     impact     a   comprehensive,
        indicator of what a current            pay. Some factors like consumer       quality  marketing  plan  will
        buyer and current seller are able      confdence,  the  state  of  the      have  in  reaching  the  widest
        to contract for a successful close,    economy,  availability  of  money     breadth  of  current  homebuyers,
        resulting  in  today’s  fair  market   and interest rates, are important     and their perception of the value
        value.  Sold  properties  illustrate   considerations  outside  of  our      of the home. The presentation of
        the  relativity  of  home  location,   control. Other signifcant factors    your property impacts whether a
        features and salability with buyer     are  also  fnite,  such  as  the     homebuyer puts it above or below
        interest.  Current  listings  will     location, size and features of the    the value of your competitors. In
        indicate  the  level  of  competition   home.  The  condition  of  the       short, they see the home as worth
        and  homes  being  compared            home also has a substantial           more or less than the others.
        against your property.                 impact  on  buyer  interest  and
                                               their  evaluation  of  what  the
                                               home  is  worth  when  compared
                                               to competing listings.

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