Page 140 - Other Income for Individuals
P. 140

Disaster relief grants

                                                                            Sample text

                                                                              Don’t include post-disaster grants received
                                                                                 under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief
                                                                                 and Emergency Assistance Act in your income
                                                                                 if the grant payments are made to help you
                                                                                 meet necessary expenses or serious needs for
                                                                                 medical, dental, housing, personal property,
                                                                                 transportation, child care, or funeral
                                                                              Don’t deduct casualty losses or medical

                                                                                 expenses that are specifically reimbursed by
                                                                                 these disaster relief grants.
                                                                              If you have deducted a casualty loss for the
                                                                                 loss of your personal residence and you later
                                                                                 receive a disaster relief grant for the loss of
                                                      03                         the same residence, you may have to include
                                                                                 part or all of the grant in your taxable income.
                                                                                 See Recoveries, earlier.
                                                                              Unemployment assistance payments under
                                                                                 the Act are taxable unemployment
                                                                                 compensation. See Unemployment

                                                                                 compensation under Unemployment
                                                                                 Benefits, earlier.

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