Page 145 - Other Income for Individuals
P. 145

Social security benefits (including lump-sum payments

          attributable to prior years), Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

          benefits, and lump-sum death benefits

                                                                                                          See Pub. 915 for

           The Social Security                                                                               information on
             Administration (SSA)                                                                             how to make a
             provides benefits such                                                                           lump-sum
             as old-age benefits,                                                                             election, which
             benefits to disabled                                                                             may reduce your
             workers, and benefits
             to spouses and                     SSI                                 SSI                       tax liability.
             dependents.                                                                                  There are also
           These benefits may be                                                                             other types of
             subject to federal                                                                               benefits paid by
             income tax depending                                                                             the SSA.
             on your filing status
             and other income.

         See chapter 7 in this
           publication and Pub. 915,
           Social Security and                                                                            However, SSI benefits
           Equivalent Railroad                  SSI                                 SSI                       and lump-sum death
           Retirement Benefits, for                                                                           benefits (one-time
           more information.                                                                                  payment to spouse and
         An individual originally                                                                            children of deceased)
           denied benefits, but later                                                                         aren’t subject to federal
           approved, may receive a
           lump-sum payment for the                                                                           income tax.
           period when benefits were                                                                      For more information on
           denied (which may be prior                                                                         these benefits, go to
           years).                                                                                                143
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