Page 146 - Other Income for Individuals
P. 146

Welfare and Other Public Assistance Benefits

                                                               Need Help?

                                                                                                              Payments made
                                                                                  Payments to                  by a state to
        Food benefits you                     Nutrition                                           11          qualified people
         receive under the                   Program for     10                   reduce cost
         Nutrition Program for                the Elderly                           of winter                  to reduce their
         the Elderly aren’t                                                          energy.                   cost of winter
         taxable.                                                                                              energy use aren’t
        If you prepare and serve                                                                              taxable.
         free meals for the
         program, include in your                                 Call us!
         income as wages the

         cash pay you receive,
         even if you’re also
         eligible for food

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