Page 29 - Tax Withholding Estimator FAQ's
P. 29

I found my results

        inaccurate based on my

        inputs.  Why is that so?

        We recommend you check your input s for
        federal income t ax wit hheld on St ep 2.
        Common mist akes made on t his page can
        great ly impact  t he amount s reflect ed in
        result s:
           -   Double-check t o make sure t he ?Year
               t o dat e? field includes t he t ot al
               federal income t ax wit hheld and t he
               ?Per Pay Period? field includes only
               what  was wit hheld for t hat  pay
           -   Ensure you are referencing your                        Results Page
               most  recent  2020 payst ub and not
               one from a previous year.
           -   Double-check t he income you have
               ent ered. If your job is for a part ial               How is my anticipated tax
               year and not  t he full year, please
               make sure t o adjust  your income                     obligation calculated?
                                                                   - The Tax Withholding
        How is my expected tax

        withholding calculated?                                         Estimator uses your filing
                                                                        status, income,

        For jobs/pensions t hat  you current ly hold:                   adjustments, deductions,
                                                                        and credits to estimate your
        The expected tax withholding is projected by
        multiplying the anticipated number of remaining pay             anticipated tax obligation.
        periods you have for the year with the amount              - Your actual tax obligation
        withheld per pay period and adding it to the
        withholding to date. The tool adds any estimated tax            may differ from this if the
        payments made or any other taxes paid for other                 amounts you entered are
        sources of income in the expected tax withholding
        calculation to determine the total amount expected to           incorrect or if your situation
        be paid for the year.
                                                                        involves tax requirements
        For jobs/pensions t hat  have not  st art ed yet :
                                                                        or benefits not included in
        The application uses the standard withholding amount            this application.
        based on your filing status and estimated income. You
        can request deviations from the standard withholding
        on a Form W-4, and the tool will instruct you how to
        make those adjustments.
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