Page 30 - Tax Withholding Estimator FAQ's
P. 30

How is my estimated under

        payment/over payment


           -   Your est imat ed under payment /over
               payment  is t he difference bet ween your
               ant icipat ed t ax obligat ion and your
               expect ed t ax wit hholding (which
               includes your est imat ed t ax payment s).
           -   Your expect ed t ax wit hholding is t he
               amount  of federal income t ax we
               project  you will have wit hheld t his year
               if you do not  change your current
               wit hholding arrangement .

        Why are there no withholding                                  Results Page

        recommendations for Social
        Security and unemployment?

                                                                     Do my estimated results
         -   Withholding for these types of
             income differs from standard                        include FICA and Medicare

             withholding and the estimator                                                                  Tax?
             doesn? currently have the ability
             to provide these sorts of                              -   The tool is intended to help you
             recommendations.                                           complete Form W-4 to adjust the
                                                                        amount of federal income tax to
         -   If you?d like to make changes to
                                                                        have withheld from your wages.
             your withholding amounts for                           -   Form W-4 does not address FICA or

             Social Security benefits or                                Medicare.
             unemployment compensation,                             -   Therefore, the tool does not include

             please use the Form W-4VPDF.                               or ask for FICA or Medicare tax
                                                                        withholding in most situations.
         -   However, you may choose to have
                                                                    -   However, the tool does take into
             tax withheld from your wages to
                                                                        account additional Medicare tax,
             cover the tax on your Social                               which some people with high

             Security benefits and                                      incomes must pay with their tax
             unemployment income.                                       return.

         -   If you enter those types of income                     -   To learn more about additional
                                                                        Medicare Tax, please read
             into the Tax Withholding Estimator,
                                                                        additional Medicare Tax FAQs.
             its recommendation will account
             for them in your wage withholding.
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