Page 173 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 173

In addition to changing the criteria for the cases that could   In addition, where there were multiple methods of fraud
          be reported, we also added a number of questions to our   utilized in a single scheme, we asked respondents to specify
          survey that were not present in previous editions of the   the amount of loss attributable to each particular method,
          Report. Most significantly, we asked each respondent to   rather  than  just  providing  an  overall  loss  amount.  This
          identify the industry of the victim organization based on a   change  enabled  us  to  develop  more  accurate  data  than
          list of NAICS industry codes. Gathering this information   in the past concerning the losses associated with specific
          allowed us to make much more detailed analyses of how   types of fraud.
          fraud affected various industries and types of organiza-
          tions than was possible in previous editions.   As the Report to the Nation evolves from one edition to the
                                                          next, there are always a number of minor corrections or
          We  also  added  a  question  asking  respondents  to  select   clarifications in our survey form in addition to the more
          the department the principal perpetrator worked in from   significant changes described above. Like the fight against
          a general list of common business departments. This en-  fraud, the task of gathering meaningful information about
          abled us to study how various methods of fraud affect dif-  fraud is a difficult and ever-changing process. It is our goal
          ferent parts of organizations and to try to determine with   that  each  successive  edition  of  the  Report  to  the  Nation
          more specificity than was possible in past editions where   should provide better, more useful information than its
          certain fraud schemes are most likely to originate.   predecessor. We believe that readers of the current Report
                                                          will find it to be the most informative edition to date.

                                                                ACFE Report to the Nation on Occupational Fraud & Abuse        1
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