Page 409 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 409

• Approximately 77% of the frauds in our study   by accident. Further, although the use of inde-
                     were committed by individuals working in one of   pendent financial statement audits was associated
                     seven departments: accounting, operations, sales,   with reduced median losses and durations of fraud
                     executive/upper management, customer service,   schemes, these reductions were among the smallest
                     purchasing and finance.                      of all of the anti-fraud controls analyzed in our
                                                                  study. Consequently, while independent audits
                   • It takes time and effort to recover the money   serve a vital role in organizational governance, our
                     stolen by perpetrators, and many organizations are   data indicates that they should not be relied upon
                     never able to fully do so. At the time of our survey,   as organizations’ primary anti-fraud mechanism.
                     58% of the victim organizations had not recovered
                     any of their losses due to fraud, and only 14% had   • Many of the most effective anti-fraud controls are
                     made a full recovery.                        being overlooked by a significant portion of orga-
                                                                  nizations. For example, proactive data monitoring
                 Conclusions and Recommendations                  and analysis was used by only 35% of the victim
                   • Occupational fraud is a universal problem for   organizations in our study, but the presence of this
                     businesses around the globe. Although some slight   control was correlated with frauds that were 60%
                     regional variations were noted in methods used   less costly and 50% shorter in duration. Other less
                     both by fraudsters to commit their crimes and by   common controls — including surprise audits, a
                     organizations to prevent and detect fraud schemes,   dedicated fraud department or team and formal
                     the overall trends in our data are quite consistent,   fraud risk assessments — showed similar associa-
                     both across borders and over time. This consis-  tions with reductions in one or both of these mea-
                     tency underscores the nature and pervasiveness of   sures of fraud damage. When determining how
                     fraud’s threat to all organizations.         to invest anti-fraud dollars, management should
                                                                  consider the observed effectiveness of specific con-
                   • The longer frauds last, the more financial damage   trol activities and how those controls will enhance
                     they cause. Passive detection methods (confession,   potential fraudsters’ perception of detection.
                     notification by law enforcement, external audit
                     and by accident) tend to take longer to bring fraud   • The vast majority of occupational fraudsters are
                     to management’s attention, which allows the relat-  first-time offenders; only 5% had been convicted
                     ed loss to grow. Consequently, proactive detection   of a fraud-related offense prior to committing the
                     measures — such as hotlines, management review   crimes in our study. Furthermore, 82% of fraud-
                     procedures, internal audits and employee moni-  sters had never previously been punished or termi-
                     toring mechanisms — are vital in catching frauds   nated by an employer for fraud-related conduct.
                     early and limiting their losses.             While background checks can be useful in screen-
                                                                  ing out some bad applicants, they might not do a
                   • Small businesses are both disproportionately   good job of predicting fraudulent behavior. Most
                     victimized by fraud and notably under-protected   fraudsters work for their employers for years before
                     by anti-fraud controls, a combination that makes   they begin to steal, so ongoing employee monitor-
                     them significantly vulnerable to this threat.   ing and an understanding of the risk factors and
                     While resources available for fraud prevention   warning signs of fraud are much more likely to
                     and detection measures are limited in many small   identify fraud than pre-employment screening.
                     companies, several anti-fraud controls — such as
                     an anti-fraud policy, formal management review   • Most occupational fraudsters exhibit certain
                     procedures and anti-fraud training for staff mem-  behavioral traits that can be warning signs of
                     bers — can be enacted with little direct financial   their crimes, such as living beyond their means or
                     outlay and thus provide a cost-effective investment   having unusually close associations with vendors
                     for protecting these organizations from fraud.  or customers. In 92% of the cases we reviewed, at
                                                                  least one common behavioral red flag was iden-
                   • External audits are implemented by a large   tified before the fraud was detected. Managers,
                     number of organizations, but they are among the   employees, auditors and others should be trained
                     least effective controls in combating occupational   to recognize these warning signs that, when com-
                     fraud. Such audits were the primary detection   bined with other factors, might indicate fraud.
                     method in just 3% of the fraud cases reported to
                     us, compared to the 7% of cases that were detected

                                                                 REPORT TO THE NATIONS ON OCCUPATIONAL FRAUD AND ABUSE           5
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