Page 663 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 663

a detailed questionnaire consisting of 77 questions   The information presented in this study is drawn
               about a specific case of fraud they had investigated.   from cases that occurred in 23 different industry
               These CFEs provided information on the method of   categories. These frauds affected large multinational
               fraud employed, the loss, the victim organization, the   organizations, small nonprofits, and every size and
               perpetrator, the means of detection, and the response   type of business or government agency in between.
               by the victim organization after the fraud had been   The fraudsters in these cases ranged from C-suite
               detected. We are deeply indebted to the CFEs who   executives to entry-level employees. The lesson of
               shared their knowledge and experiences to help us   this and our previous studies is clear: No organization
               prepare this report.                            is immune from occupational fraud, and these crimes
                                                               can originate from anywhere within the organization.

               FIG. 1  Reported cases by region

                    United States and Canada         Sub-Saharan Africa                  Asia-Pacific
                       CASES:  895  46%                CASES:  301  15%                CASES:  198  10%

                                                         Middle East
                        Western Europe                  and North Africa                Southern Asia
                         CASES:  128  7%                CASES:  127  7%                CASES:  103  5%

                                           Latin America               Eastern Europe and
                                         and the Caribbean             Western/Central Asia
                                          CASES:  101  5%                CASES:  95  5%

                                                                                                Introduction  Report to the Nations     7
   658   659   660   661   662   663   664   665   666   667   668