Page 711 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 711

Response to Fraud
                                     Response to Fraud

                                             Organizations can respond to fraud
                                           internally, through civil litigation, and by
                                            referring the case to law enforcement.
                                             These are the results of such e orts.

              INTERNAL PUNISHMENT                                            CIVIL LITIGATION

                                                       MEDIAN LOSS
                80% of perpetrators                    resulting in                                28%
                                                       CIVIL LITIGATION                            of cases resulted in

                                                                                                   civil litigation.

                  RECEIVED SOME
                                                       Of these cases:
                                                        41% resulted in judgment for the victim

            Owners/executives are less likely           36% settled
                 to receive punishment
                                                        21% resulted in judgment for the perpetrator
             TERMINATION for FRAUD

                                                                        CRIMINAL PROSECUTION
              executives    45%

               Managers           66%                   MEDIAN LOSS
                                                        in cases                                    59%
                                                        referred to
              Employees              76%                LAW ENFORCEMENT                             of cases were
                                                                                                    referred to law
                                                        $200,000                                    enforcement

             Received NO PUNISHMENT

                                                       Of these cases:
              Owners/executives    13%
                                                         56% pleaded guilty/no contest
                   Managers 3%                           23% were convicted at trial

                 Employees  2%                           12% were declined prosecution
                                                         2% were acquitted

                                                                                                Case Results  Report to the Nations     55
   706   707   708   709   710   711   712   713   714   715   716