Page 708 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 708

Behavioral Red Flags of Fraud                                                      OF ALL FRAUDSTERS

   Recognizing the behavioral clues displayed by fraudsters       85            % displayed at least one
   can help organizations more eƒectively detect fraud and                      behavioral red flag
   minimize their losses.                                                       while committing their crimes.


          42  %           26  %          19  %           15  %           13 %           13  %           12 %

        Living beyond    Financial    Unusually close   Control issues,   Irritability,   "Wheeler-dealer"   Divorce/family
           means         di culties   association with   unwillingness   suspiciousness,   attitude    problems
                                     vendor/customer  to share duties  or defensiveness

                  LIVING BEYOND MEANS

                                                                               A fraudster living beyond
                                                                                his or her means is the
                                                  Living beyond                most common red flag by
                                                                                   a sizable margin.
      40%                                         means                          This has ranked as the

                                                                              #1 red flag in every study
                                                                                      since 2008.


                                                  Financial di culties

                                                 Unusually close association with vendor/customer

                                                  Control issues, unwillingness to share duties
                                                  Irritability, suspiciousness, or defensiveness
                                                  “Wheeler-dealer” attitude
      10%                                         Divorce/family problems

             ’08  ’10   ’12  ’14   ’16  ’18   ’20

                                         Behavioral Red Flags of Fraud

    52    Perpetrators  Report to the Nations
   703   704   705   706   707   708   709   710   711   712   713