Page 11 - Texas Franchise Tax Handbook
P. 11

Calculation of the Tax (1/7)

                                    Margin                                                                  Total Revenue

                    Each taxable entity
                    formed in Texas or                                                                        Each taxable entity
               doing business in Texas                                                                         formed in Texas or
                      must file and pay                                                                  doing business in Texas
                          franchise tax.                                                                        must file and pay
                                                                                                                    franchise tax.
                                                                  T           E

       Available Credits                                                                                         Cost of Goods Sold

              Each taxable entity                           $                      X                              Each taxable entity
              formed in Texas or                                                                                  formed in Texas or
         doing business in Texas                                                                             doing business in Texas
                must file and pay                                 S          A                                      must file and pay
                    franchise tax.                                                                                      franchise tax.


                                                                                                          Each taxable entity
                  Each taxable entity                                                                      formed in Texas or
                   formed in Texas or                                                                doing business in Texas

              doing business in Texas                                                                       must file and pay
                    must file and pay                                                                           franchise tax.
                         franchise tax.
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