Page 6 - Incorporatoin Services
P. 6

Comparison of Forms of Business

          Type of Business               How It Is Formed               Where Income and Deductions are Reported

          Sole Proprietorship            No special                     On owner’s Schedule C or C-EZ (Schedule F for

                                         requirements                   farming)

          Partnership                    No special                     Some items taken in account in figuring trade or
                                         requirements                   business income directly on Form 1065 (allocable

                                                                        amount claimed on partners Schedule E),
                                                                        separately stated items are passed through to
                                                                        partners and claimed in places of partners tax


          Limited special                Some items taken in            Trade or business income directly on Form 1065

          partnership                    account in figuring            (allocable amount claimed on partners Schedule
                                         partnership under              E), separately stated items are passed through to
                                         state law                      partners and claimed in places of partners tax


          Limited liability              Organized as such              Some items taken in account in figuring trade or

          company                        under-State law                business income directly on Form 1065 (allocable
                                                                        amount claimed on partners Schedule E),
                                                                        separately stated items are passed through to

                                                                        partners and claimed in places of partners tax
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