Page 17 - Final Federal Tax Return
P. 17
Other documents to include
with the final tax return
- Court-appointed
representatives should
attach a copy of the court
document showing their
- Representatives who
aren't court-appointed
must include Form 1310,
Statement of Person
Claiming Refund Due a
Deceased Taxpayer to
claim any refund. Qualifying widow or
- Surviving spouses with dependent
children may be able to file as a
Other documents to include
Qualifying Surviving Spouse for two
with the final tax return
years after their spouse's death.
- This filing status allows them to
- Surviving spouses and use joint return tax rates and the
court-appointed highest standard deduction
amount if they don't itemize
representatives don't need
to complete this form.If
tax is due, the filer should
submit payment with the
return or visit the
/!\ More informat ion
payments page of
- Publication 559, Survivors,
for other payment options.
Executors and Administrators
- If they can't pay the
- Tax Topic No. 356, Decedents
amount due immediately, - How Do I File a Deceased
they may qualify for a Person's Tax Return? /!\
payment plan or
installment agreement.