Page 18 - Final Federal Tax Return
P. 18
Help st op fraud
and scams
As part of t he Dirt y Dozen awareness effort , t he IRS encourages people t o report individuals
who promot e improper and abusive t ax schemes as well as t ax ret urn preparers who
deliberat ely prepare improper ret urns.
To report an abusive t ax scheme or a t ax ret urn preparer, people should mail or fax a
complet edForm 14242, Report Suspect ed Abusive Tax Promot ions or Preparersand any
support ing mat erial t o t he IRS Lead Development Cent er in t he Office of Promot er
Invest igat ions.
Int ernal Revenue Service Lead Development Cent er
St op MS5040
24000 Avila Road
Laguna Niguel, California 92677-3405
Fax: 877-477-9135
Alt ernat ively, t axpayers and t ax pract it ioners may send t he informat ion t o t heIRS
Whist leblower Officefor possible monet ary reward. For more informat ion, seeAbusive Tax
Schemes and Abusive Tax Ret urn Preparers.