Page 77 - Dependents for Individuals
P. 77
Member of household or relationship test
Gross Income Test
Gross income is all income in the form of money,
property, and services that isn't exempt from tax. In a
manufacturing, merchandising, or mining business, gross
income is the total net sales minus the cost of goods sold,
plus any miscellaneous income from the business.
Gross receipts from rental
property are gross income.
Don’t deduct taxes, repairs, Income
or other expenses to
determine the gross income
from rental property.
Gross income includes a
partner's share of the gross Defined
(not a share of the net) • Gross income also includes all taxable unemployment
partnership income. compensation, taxable social security benefits, and certain
scholarship and fellowship grants. Scholarships received
by degree candidates and used for tuition, fees, supplies,
books, and equipment required for particular courses
generally aren't included in gross income.
/!\ To meet this test, a person's gross income
for the year must be less than $4,300. /!\