Page 86 - Wages, Salaries and Other Earnings
P. 86

Disability Pensions

     Retirement and Profit                                                                                   Accrued Leave
                Sharing Plans                                                                                Payment

    If you receive payments from a                                Disability                                If you retire on
     retirement or profit-sharing                                   Pensions                                 disability, any lump-
     plan that doesn’t provide for                                                                           sum payment you
     disability retirement, don’t
     treat the payments as a                                                                                 receive for accrued
     disability pension. The                                                                                 annual leave is a salary
     payments must be reported as             01                                                02           payment. The payment
     a pension or annuity. For more                                                                          is not a disability
     information on pensions, see                                                                            payment. Include it in
     Pub 575.
                                                                                                             your income in the tax
                                                                                                             year you receive it.

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