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    Y O U R   MO N T H L Y  N EW SL ET T E R   O N   SU R V IV I N G  H IP A A

    ISSUE 08                                                                       July 2018


    Int er v i ew   w i th   Re g i o n a l   G ener a l   H o s p i tal' s
    C hief   P ri v ac y   O fficer   H ea t her   T h o m p s o n

     In  continuation  of  our  amazing  interview  ,  up  close and  personal with
     Regional  General  Hospital’s  (Williston,  Florida)  Chief  Privacy  Officer,
     Heather  Thompson.  RGH  is  a  Rural,  Critical  Access  facility  in  North
     Central Florida.
                             Question: Can you give us your top 3 reasons if you were asked
                             why  should  a  company  or  organization  particularly  in  the
                             Healthcare industry, have a privacy officer?
                             Heather:  First  and  most  importantly,  to  protect  and  ensure
                             patients’  rights  and  information.  Second,  to  help  maintain
                             administrative and compliance requirements. Third, to keep your
                             organizations  employees  educated  on  patient  privacy  and
                             education of the advancement of security and other safeguards.
                                                                                                   # 1   N o   Flas h   Dri v es
                             Question:  Can  a  healthcare  organization  afford  not  to  have  a
                             privacy officer like in the case of rural hospitals? Can they opt not   One of those kinds of portable devices which has a growing concern as
                             to have one for their organization? If yes, why and if no, why not?   to its vulnerability is USB Flash Drives. Your practice or your facility, in
                             Heather:  I  believe  an  organization  can’t  afford  to  not  have  a
                             Privacy  Officer.  Privacy  is  about  respecting  people,  and  people   general,  should  be  very  cautious  in  allowing  use  and  access  of  ePHI
                             having  trust.  If  a  person  does  not  trust  someone,  you  may  lose   offsite. Not only can these little devices transmit  stored data away from
                             their relationship. In turn, a business such a small Rural Hospital,   your  machine,  they  can  also  transmit  viruses  and  malware  into  a
                             will loose patients due to lack of trust and respect. It can then lead   machine. Most facilities are updating their policies to completely outlaw
                             to a bad reputation and moral of the organization.
                                                                                                   the  use  of  flash/thumb  drives  to  increase  security.    Never  insert  an
                             Question:  How  do  you  help  create  a  culture  of  compliance  for   unknown flash drive into your device. Because these are so tiny, mass
                             privacy and security of PHI and ePHI within your organization?        marketed, and so easily lost, it’s a definite risk to use them in a medical
                             Heather:  I  think  a  good  way  to  create  a  good  culture,  is  to  give
                             employees  all  the  tools  and  resources  of  keeping  up  with     setting.  Take some time and look around for any which may be located
                             knowledge  and  education.  If  we  continue  create  a  positive  and   in  or  around  your  site  today,  document  it,  and  turn  them  over  to  IT
                             creative  way  to  educate  employees…  they  will  have  a  good     immediately.
                             understanding and feel comfortable with compliance. It becomes
                             a natural habit of their work day, and not something they feel is a   Train  your  staff  that  these  are  simply  too  risky  to  utilize,  while  giving
                             stressful challenge.                                                  them an alternative (secure shared drives)
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