Page 2 - HIPAA Guard Herald - July 2018 e-Newsletter
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    Y O U R   MO N T H L Y  N EW SL ET T E R   O N   SU R V IV I N G  H IP A A

                                                                                                   Though HIPAA does not explicitly prohibit the use these portable storage
     3   C r itic a l   Ste p s                                                                    devices, once ePHI is known to have been stored on these devices, your

     1. Data Access                                                                                facility must :

     - Your policies and procedures that cover Data Access must concentrate                         track the in and out of the data and the device in your system or
     on ensuring your workforce or staff only access information  for which                             facility  to prevent unauthorized access to the EPHI;
     they are appropriately authorized.                                                             include the ways to detect, mitigate and report a breach should it

                                                                                                        happen in your risk assessment;
     2. Data Storage                                                                                destroy the data/USB device (when you no longer need the ePHI) in

                                                                                                        a  such  a  way  that  any  unauthorized  third  party  won't  be  able  to
                                                                                                        access it; and
     -  Your  should  ensure  policies  and  procedures  that  will  address  the                   document, document and document every steps and guidelines of
     security needs for such devices are in place especially if they contain                            the above
     sensitive patient information. Note that these devices may be removed

     physically from your facility thus all possible security measures must be                     # 2         No           T h ir d          Pa r ty           A pps             fo r
     put in place.
                                                                                                   Commu n i ca t i on   or   Sto r a g e   of   D a ta
     3. Data Transmission

                                                                                                   Third-party file sharing and storage provider i.e. Google Drive, Dropbox,

     - Focus on ensuring the integrity and safety of ePHI sent over networks,                      etc.  shall  be  considered  Business  Associates  if  they  store  ePHI  on
                                                                                                   behalf of your practice or facility, consequently warranting that they too
     and those data that are directly exchanged                                                    be  HIPAA  compliant.  Remember  that  HIPAA  Law  protects  not  only  the
     and those applications remotely accessed that might contain ePHI.                             data but also its accessibility and integrity. As mandated, these cloud

                                                                                                   storage  service  providers  must  enter  into  a  Business  Associate
                                                                                                   Agreement  with  the  Covered  Entity,  as  the  BAA  shall  establish  the
                                                                                                   allowed and required uses as well as disclosures of ePHI by the cloud
                                                                                                   storage  service  provider  performing  activities  and  services  for  the
                                                                                                   covered entity or another business associate.

                                                                                                                                                     ISSUE 08
                                                                                                                                                    July 2018
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