P. 82
Journey through the decade: An Agro-Wonderland Tale
M AEPS - your
agrotourism destination
t was 1991. Agrotourism started need only visit MAEPS to get a taste of
formally in Malaysia and was Malaysia,” he said.
I included in the Sixth Malaysia “Right after MAHA 2018, we will work
Plan (1991-1995). with our counterparts in the Tourism
It was part of an effort to increase tourist Ministry and see how we can help market
arrivals to Malaysia. Since then, there have MAEPS as a destination for Visit Malaysia
been numerous agrotourism destinations Year 2020. This will be a start as we want
nationwide, including MAEPS, luring to see MAEPS being sold to the world as an
visitors worldwide. all-time destination, especially in future
Close to three decades later, efforts are editions of Visit Malaysia Year.”
being made to ensure MAEPS turns into Sallehhuddin added MAEPS’ location is
a must-visit destination ahead of Visit unique as it sits between Kuala Lumpur and
Malaysia Year 2020, and beyond. KL International Airport.
The Agriculture and Agro-based Industry “Those in transit can even spend half
Ministry is eager to work on smart a day at MAEPS before continuing their
partnerships with tourism industry players journey. MAEPS is easily accessible and
and stakeholders to transform MAEPS into that’s what we hope to see ... more and
an iconic site. more visitors. We want tourists to continue
The ministry’s secretary-general Datuk returning to MAEPS.
Sallehhuddin Hassan described MAEPS “The ministry is eager to explore
as a “Mini Malaysia” thanks to its 13 state opportunities with interested parties
pavilions. and stakeholders. Smart partnerships
“The pavilions are the best place to are the way forward and this will benefit
showcase the respective states’ identities, all – especially tourists. Agrotourism has
culture, fashion and even food. Visitors who so much to offer and MAEPS is one of the
are on a budget or have time constraints many sites worth visiting.”