P. 84
Journey through the decade: An Agro-Wonderland Tale
afas Cube -
a breath of fresh air
ontemporary container recycled and reused as decorative items.
style accommodation An initiative by the National Farmers
C beside a lake surrounded Association (Nafas), the concept of the
by greenery – that is the wholesome accommodation is to expose visitors
experience at Nafas Cube. to the many nearby agriculture
Peace and tranquility set in at dusk, showgrounds and to provide the
making Nafas Cube perfect for some experience of living in a forest-like
time off from the hustle and bustle of environment.
daily life. It is also an Instagram-worthy
Visitors can choose to stay in the location. Barbecue and karaoke sets are
container or cube style rooms. There is available at a minimal price, promising
also a glamping (glamour camping) site fun-filled entertainment throughout the
for the adventurous. There are seven day and night.
containers, 10 culverts and 10 camps Located just 30 minutes away from
that can host 56 people. Kuala Lumpur, Nafas Cube is an ideal
Plastic bottles and other materials are weekend destination.