Page 88 - MAEPS - Journey Through the Decade
P. 88

Journey through the decade: An Agro-Wonderland Tale

                                             apitalising on


                                     DATUK DR MOHAMAD ROFF MOHD NOOR
                               Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute
                                             (MARDI) Director-General

                              ARDI was set up to generate   (stingless bee) honey, herbs and vegetable
                              and promote new technology,   cultivation. These initiatives will be
                    M efficient for the development      exhibited at the showgrounds there to
                    of the agricultural, agro-based and food   ensure there are continuous activities.
                    industries.                           “We will also tap on the busloads of
                      And it has been doing just that over   tourists, mainly from China, who enjoy
                    the decades – but now with MAEPS     the dishes at MAEPS Ikan Sungai &
                    ‘marketing’ its products.            Seafood Restaurant. As those from China
                      This is where MARDI Director-General   enjoy durians, we are considering selling
                    Datuk Dr Mohamad Roff Mohd Noor sees   durians and durian products at MAEPS.”
                    the need of both entities collaborating   Mohamad Roff added that a nasi
                    to further enhance the industry for the   kandar restaurant, an equestrian arena
                    masses.                              and a mall selling agricultural products
                                                         are among the new attractions planned
                                                         for MAEPS.
                             We need to                   “We need to continuously diversify to
                                                         constantly lure people to MAEPS. The
                     continuously diversify              idea is for MAEPS to offer the A-Z in
                                                         agriculture and to educate visitors about
                    to constantly lure people            the industry.”
                            to MAEPS.                     Mohamad Roff says MAEPS has
                                                         the potential to lead agrotourism in
                                                         Malaysia. MARDI has several agrotourism
                                                         destinations nationwide, namely in
                      “Our core business is research and   Langkawi, Cameron Highlands, Kuala
                    development and introducing new      Kangsar and Cherating.
                    technology in agriculture. We are not in   “MAEPS can be the main hub that will
                    the business of monetising our work. This   lead tourists and visitors to the other
                    is where MAEPS plays a big role,” said   destinations. Agrotourism is big and the
                    Mohamad Roff.                        best way to educate the people on what
                      “MAEPS will showcase our work and be   we do in MARDI.
                    the conduit between us and the industry   “We should capitalise on every
                    players. MAEPS is able to find strategic   opportunity to ensure MAEPS turns into a
                    partners who see the value in our work.”  complete one-stop centre for agriculture.”
                      As such, Mohamad Roff said the
                    opportunities at MAEPS are aplenty –
                    from technology to agrotourism.
                      “Once MAHA 2018 ends, we will
                    concentrate on technologies in kelulut

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