Page 3 - Mended Hearts Chapter 200 Welcome Package (English Language Version)
P. 3
Common Threads
He’s back on the court playing basketball three
times a week in three different leagues… Sam’s
She’s now enjoying her grandchildren more
than ever, and spends her free time baking,
arranging flowers, reading, and walking at least
twenty minutes every day… Sharon’s 82
Jack is volunteering at the hospital. He has
raised thousands of dollars for the American
Heart Association by painting curbside street
numbers…He’s 81
Where are the common threads? Like us, they
had open heart surgery: Sam received a new
mitral valve and a blue heart-shaped
pillow; Sharon had a quadruple bypass and her carotid artery done, and her pillow was
solid red; Jack had a tumor removed from the posterior atrial wall and a plaid pillow to take
home. Some are simply continuing their presurgery interest, while others have developed
new interests and activities, because they need to – and because they can.
Our experiences during recovery range considerably. Some of us had complications
requiring a longer hospital stay or difficulty, for a time, re-establishing routine. We have
varying tolerances for pain, inactivity, and hospital cuisine.
We have many aspects in common, which also distinguish us: we are diabetic,
hypertensive, arthritic, overweight, athletic; we are employed and retired, but, generally,
active; we watch what we eat (or try to), take an interest in others, and are usually fairly
positive people, even if we aren’t always so. We’ve stopped smoking, or we’re still moving
in that direction. We’ve survived cancer, adolescence (ours and our children’s), and family
reunions. The point is we’re not significantly different from everyone else. Because we’re
human we are not immune from falling short of our goals at times, or feeling down or
fatigued. But, since every one of use has been given a second chance, we are determined
to take full advantage of that. By and large we’re eating better, exercising more, and
controlling our stress and not so healthy habits.
This is a growing community
in which we can proudly
claim membership. We are
among those men and
women who continue to
make a difference in the
world – through our
uniqueness and common