Page 32 - Mended Hearts-HeartGuide
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DO YOU HAVE                          Depression and Heart Disease:
SUICIDAL THOUGHTS                    Awareness and Treatment
GET HELP NOW.                        Depression is actually a fairly common condition among people who have had
                                     a heart event. As many as one in three of us who’ve had a heart attack report
If the idea of suicide has entered   feelings of depression. Women, people who’ve already experienced depression,
your thinking, immediately make      and people without a social network or emotional support are at higher risk for
an appointment with a health         depression following a heart event. Depression isn’t a character flaw, nor is it
care professional. Meantime, talk    something you can just shake off or snap out of. It’s a serious condition that
to a friend or family member, or     requires medical care. And treatment works. Here we review symptoms and
to your spiritual leader, about      treatments for depression that you should know.
how you’re feeling.
                                     Be Aware of the Symptoms of Depression
Call the toll-free National Suicide
Prevention Lifeline any time,        It’s normal to feel sad on occasion. But sometimes you may feel sad for
24 hours a day, at 1-800-273-        extended periods of time, with or without a reason. If these sad feelings
8255, where trained counselors       interfere with your daily activities, this could be depression. Here are the
are ready to help. However           definite symptoms associated with depression:
you handle these thoughts and
feelings, don’t go it alone.         ƒƒ Feeling sad or having a depressed mood, including crying
                                     ƒƒ Losing interest in activities you used to enjoy
                                     ƒƒ Noticeable changes in appetite or weight
                                     ƒƒ Sleeping too much or too little
                                     ƒƒ Feeling agitated, cranky, or sluggish
                                     ƒƒ Not seeing a clear, purposeful future
                                     ƒƒ Losing energy
                                     ƒƒ Feeling guilty or worthless
                                     ƒƒ Having trouble concentrating or making decisions
                                     ƒƒ Having thoughts of death or suicide

                                     Depression is often described as having symptoms from this list nearly every
                                     day, all day, for two or more weeks. That’s part of what distinguishes the
                                     symptoms of depression from ordinary feelings of sadness. The first two
                                     symptoms are especially common in people with depression. For patients
                                     who’ve had a heart event, the symptoms of depression can be more severe.
                                     That’s why it’s especially important to seek treatment if you believe you are
                                     experiencing depression.

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